Just like home schooling, at this time you do not have to go to college just to get a degree for your study. You can get your bachelor degree from home or anywhere you used to be. You just need to have a consultant and anyone who can give you the knowledge. It should be those who are reliable enough. Well, with Online Degree Programs, your problem is solved.
If you consider this will be the best solution that you can have, well, you can go to http://studentaid2.ed.gov/gotocollege/collegefinder/advanced_find.asp for your reference to find the best college that suit you the most. You probably want to continue your curiosity in arts. Well, you should be happy because you can find the colleges that you want here! Any fields, you can have it.
It is not only online degree programs in art, but you can also have doctoral degree through online degree programs in science, public health, and even psychology. As there are many kinds of fields you can apply in just one place, you will not have many difficulties in applying your college study. So what are you waiting for? Pursue your goal and get in to the college!