Sepenggal Kisah Perjalanan Kami

Friday, April 10, 2009

American Motorhome

When I was child, I often imagined about having peripatetic home, which could move from one place to another. How exciting if we go vacation without leaving our home.

At present, this dream can be true. I just found a fabulous American motorhome hire that can realizes the dream. This site provides a wide variety of motorhome for lease. You can rent a motorhome from this site for a variety of interests, such as a private party and vacation. You might attend certain events such as music festivals, horse events using motorhome too. If you like, you can also drive a motorhome for yourself anywhere you wish for any reason. You will feel the comfort of travel, like in your own home. Hmmm…. why not trying it now!


  1. klu diinggris ini disebut caravan nih hehehe,,,enak sih jalan2 naik beginian, brasa dirumah sendiri hehehe...

  2. ya disini bisa La, sebab ada park yang khusus buat ngalirin listrik dan air ke motor home itu, kalau di indo harus nebeng ke mesjid kali ya buat MCK.
    malah disini ada park yang khusus buat motorhome luxury, yang disediakan tukang kebun, dan pelayan khusus buat nganterin makanan kayak kita dikamar hotel tuh.
    Aku juga pengennya keliling America sama itu, jadi nggak perlu sewa hotel , dan tidak bercapek capek ria duduk berjam jam di mobil kita.


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