Sepenggal Kisah Perjalanan Kami

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Buy Tickets Online is Fun

Several times ago, I saw a concert promo of Back Street Boys new album. It was fun to have listened to them again and watched their live performance. Yet, I had a horrible experience when buying the concert ticket. It was very boring and long queue and I had to wait in line for a quite long time.

For this, a friend of mine jeered me, “Poor you!” She advised me to buy online tickets instead standing in line for a long time. She suggested me to go to purchase all kinds of ticket. She has been using their service for a while and she was very happy with the customer service. They served the customer fast and friendly.

Based on my friend’s experience, I’m interested in trying to buy a ticket there. I booked LUNT FONTANNE THEATRE TICKETS for next Bryan Adams show. I have proved what my friend said. Fast and friendly, I do not need to queue and stand up in front of a ticket locket.

I would like to suggest all of you to use to make your ticket
booked. You may also prefer NEDELANDER THEATRE TICKETS or NEW AMSTERDAM THEATRE TICKETS as your choice. You will not be disappointed.


  1. izinkan saya OOT.. saya cuma mampir mau tanya masalah logo yang ada di atas pojok kanan itu... itu cara ngedapetinnya gmn?!?!? terimakasih... soalnya saya uda daftar.. tp ko' gak ada keterangan kode HTML berkenaan dengan logo2 tersebut...?!?!? satu lagi... di kebanyakan tempat yang kebetulans saya kunjungi, mereka (*mba'nya termasuk) memasang logo yg ukuran 154 itu ya klau gk salah... boleh gak kalau saya pasang yang kecil saja, yg terkecil dari yang disediakan.. terus ngambil kodenya dmn?!?!? terimakasih atas kesediaannya tuk membaca mssge ini :(

  2. pertama-tama saya ucapkan terimakasih atas replynya.. cukup memuaskan.. sekarang adalah seperti yang saya ungkap di awal.. boleh gak kita pilih banner yang lain?!?! yang ukurannya lebih kecil dari yang punya mba' misalnya??!?!


Sopan dan Santun dalam berkomentar, disukai banyak teman...
Terima Kasih ^_^

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